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Kevin Systrom, Co-founder of Instagram Lex Fridman Podcast Interview

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    유지수 Jisoo Yoo

You win some you lose some but the amount you can learn through that process is

There is no end there's always someone who has more, there's always more challenges just at different scales. Everything is super challenging whether you're like a small business or an enormous business.

So, Choose the game you like to play. The question is like when you wake up every day what is the hardest most interesting thing you can go work on? Becuase at the end of the day we all turn into dirt.

What does matter is like can we really enjoy this life. It's like the reinforcement learning learning like short-term versus long-term objectives. Can you wake up every day and truly enjoy what you're doing, knowing it's going to be painful. Knowing that no matter what you choose it's going to be painful whether you sit on a beach or whether you manage a company. It's going to be painful.

So choose something that's fun to have pain. You just have to go through it.

Imagine you made one movie and it was great. Would you just like stop making movies? No. Generally you're like I really like making movies, let's make another one. A lot of times by the way the second one or the third one not that great, but the fourth one is awesome. And no one forgets the second and the third one.

So there's just this constant process of like can I produce and is that fun, is that exciting.